For Grub Control...
Milky Spore Powder
 It kills the Japanese beetle grubs that eat at your grass roots and then mature to the beetles that go on to devour your flowers and gardens. Milky spore is a naturally occurring microscopic bacteria (Bacillus popillae) that kills Japanese beetle grubs. It is harmless to children, pets, birds, fish or beneficial insects. It is a long-term solution to the Japanese beetle because it continues to work throughout the seasons. The milky spore bacteria continue to increase year after year increasing your lawns peak effective control in 1 to 3 years. Milky spore spreads where the grubs are present. Infested beetle larvae will die and decay releasing billions of new spores into the soil. Once applied Milky Spore lasts 15 to 20 years. Use anytime the ground is not frozen. You should water in the spots of powder for about 15 minutes. A 10oz can covers 2,000 sq. ft. A 40 oz can covers 8,000 sq. ft